Grief Is for People summary

Non-Fictional Books
3 min read5 days ago
Sloane Crosley


In “Grief Is for People,” Sloane Crosley delves into the complexities of loss with her signature wit, humor, and unflinching honesty. Through a collection of essays that span the spectrum of human experience, Crosley offers a deeply personal exploration of Grief and its profound impact on our lives. In this blog, we journey through Crosley’s poignant reflections and explore how her writing illuminates universal truths about loss, resilience, and the human capacity to heal.

Review: Grief Is for People summary

Sloane Crosley opens her new book “Grief Is for People” with the explanation: “Vessel first, emotion second.” It’s a four-word reader’s guide: Free yourself from the need to understand and open your mind to the experience of death, suicide, and emotional wreckage found when you consider it the ultimate certainty.

How can we live without those we love? Grief Is for People is a deeply moving and gripping portrait of friendship and a book about loss that is full of life. A well-known observer of contemporary behavior is Sloane Crosley, and now, once again her distinctive wit is on full display. After the pain and confusion of losing a close friend to suicide, Crosley seeks answers in philosophy and art, hoping for a framework more valuable than the inevitable stages of Grief.

Only one month after the death of Russell, his suicide presses Sloan on a wild quest to correct the wrong thing and explore what constitutes family and fortune, while the city itself faces the pandemic’s staggering toll.

Sloane Crosley’s search for the truth is honest, darkly funny, and gilded with resounding empathy. For humans, grief is accompanied by a “memory of grief” and represents a story of the struggle to hold on to the past without being consumed by it, which defies categories. Modern elegy arises to comfort and challenge our notions of grief in these grief-stricken times.

The theme of Sloane Crosley’s book is as traditional as it gets. Perreault was head of publicity at Vintage Books, an esteemed publishing imprint. He hired Crosley when she was 25. As Crosley describes him, Perreault was part Sheridan Whiteside, the cantankerous critic from “The Man Who Came to Dinner,” and part Aunt Mame. He was the boss who cheerfully told a job applicant that he would turn her down because you’re no fun. But he was also a jokester and generous host of weekend getaways for the entire office at his farm in Connecticut. Crosley and Perreault quickly bonded and became friends/family/whatever we didn’t have an adequate word for in English for decades.

In July 2019, Perrault and Crosley had dinner in New York at a restaurant near her apartment. They discussed a plan where he would sleep over at her apartment and take care of Crosley’s cat while she left for a literary festival. Did you know that people are asking for Crosley and trying, as she knows how to manage the chaos, create a sense of cohesion, and use me to inoculate? No, she didn’t know. “Grief Is For People” is said to take the form of a traditional elegy. Yet there’s nothing conventional or double-boiled about Crosley’s voice, her stirring observations about how Grief has consumed her.

Grief Is for People summary: Conclusion

In Grief is for People, Sloane Crosley offers readers a profound meditation on loss, love, and the human capacity for resilience. Through her honest storytelling and sharp insights, Crosley illuminates the universal truths of Grief and reminds us that there is light even in our darkest moments.

By inviting the reader into her own loss experience, Crosley creates a space for empathy, understanding, and healing. Her essays remind us that grief is a universal human experience that unites us in our shared humanity.

Grief Is for People summary is ultimately a testament to the power of storytelling to illuminate the depths of the human heart. Through his poignant reflections, Crosley reminds us that even in the face of loss, there is hope — that even in our moments of deepest despair, there is the possibility of redemption and renewal. And for that, we are grateful.

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